Weird And Wonderful Ways To Deal With Loneliness
It’s wintertime and those negative feelings have never seemed as close. The combination of the dark days and bad weather only heighten the tension in your body. So, you look in the mirror and come to a simple conclusion: you’re lonely and it hurts.
Millions of people deal with loneliness on a daily basis, yet it’s a topic which isn’t part of the mainstream. This only makes the emotions worse because it feels as if you’re on an island cut off from the world.
Although it doesn’t seem like it now, there are effective ways to get out of a funk. And, they are weird and wonderful – a bit like how you should see yourself at the moment. Below are some tips to deal with it healthily.
Log Off Social Media
Social media isn’t the scourge of civilisation. It has a lot to offer, but there’s no doubt it is home to cowards and cyber-bullies. These people think it’s okay to prod and poke fun at others that are suffering, and they won’t hesitate to leave nasty posts and comments. That’s one reason to shun social media, but the other is FOMO. Looking at how other people live their life may encourage you to feel lonelier than before. Delete Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and concentrate on number one: you.
Emotional support doesn’t have to come in the form of a human being. A dog is a fantastic source of comfort because a pooch is loyal and provides love. Buying one isn’t the problem; it’s nurturing the relationship. Like all animals, pooches need their independence if they are going to reciprocate your love. So, a pet door installation service can help you keep it casual and loving at the same time. Or, you can do it yourself with the right tools. Everything needs its space and DIY can lend a hand.
Advertise The Spare Room
You are a fully functioning person with a great life. All you need are the finishing touches, such as people to share it with on a daily basis. Living alone doesn’t help because there is no one there to pick you up when you’re down. Moving back in with parents is a bad idea, too, because it will make you feel pathetic. A good compromise is to find a roommate by advertising the spare bedroom. Print fliers and put them up in bars and coffee shops, or let your friends know you’re on the hunt. The key is to spread the word.
Download A Dating App
Everyone prefers to meet the old-fashioned way, yet it’s tricky these days. Thanks to Tinder and Bumble, it’s as if people won’t speak unless they have swiped right. As the saying goes, if you can’t beat them, then you should join them. Downloading a dating app is scary but it can help you meet new people. And, they don’t have to be romantic love interests because a platform such as Meetup wants to bring people with common interests together.
Doesn’t that sound less daunting?