The Ultimate Guide For Prepping For Cat Ownership

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You might think that by choosing to get a cat rather than a dog, you don’t need to worry too much about prepping your home for such a tiny and cute four legged creature. You’d be wrong. All pets need some level of research and preparation before taking the plunge and welcoming a new family member into your home. Our feline fur babies are joyful and bring happiness into our home. However, you need to make sure that they feel comfortable in your environment. Take a look at these simple things you can do to ensure that your new cat buddy feels right at home.

Buying Stuff

It can be difficult to know what things to buy ready for your imminent arrival. The pet market is saturated with expensive gadgets and items for the loving pet owner to buy for their cats and dogs. Forget lining your room with jungle like props to create the ultimate cat activity center, and instead purchase them a sturdy and well built cat tower that you can put up in your living room. Consider a cat treat dispenser toy to stimulate your intelligent new friend into working for their treats.

Cats are funny creatures when it comes to sleeping. You could buy them the most expensive designer bed only for them to turn their whiskers up at it and never touch it. Instead, let them settle into your home first. They’ll find their favorite spots such as a shelf, a sofa arm or a laundry basket where they will rest their little feline heads. You will soon spot the surfaces and textures they like to rest on, and can then think about getting a bed to match.


When it comes to food, talk to the breeder or owner of the kitten you are looking to purchase, and carry on with their current food for a little while. Changing too quickly can result in stress for your little fur friend. They are already coping with moving to a new place, so changing their food could result in more worry. This could mean a poorly tummy or poopy pet which no one wants. When you think about the food that you eventually want to feed them, transition them slowly to minimize digestive discomfort. Healthy, high protein food is perfect for your fur friend. This helps keep them regular as well as ensuring that they receive the much needed nutrients they require from their diet.


It’s vital that you have adequate scratching opportunities for your moggy. Without scratching posts, some old carpet and cardboard scratchers for their claws and for them to stretch up on, they will scratch up your sofa, table legs and walls. As an owner, you need to ensure that there is enough to keep them stimulated and focused onto the right things to scratch. Cats can’t be trained easily so ensure they have enough to occupy their minds.

Welcoming a cat into your home is a little daunting , but before long you will have a new feline member of the family curled up on your lap enjoying a chin rub or two.


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