The Essential Computer Security Checklist


When running any sort of online business, your computer security is a big deal. Technology has become such an ingrained part of our lives that those who wish to take advantage of us will often do this through technology and data. It is important for us to always be aware of cybersecurity whether for personal or business use and today we are going to take a deep dive into what you can do to protect your computer this year. 

Here is our essential checklist for computer security this year… 

  • Ask the pros – If you are ever unsure of what to do with your computer, contact a Security Company to help! 
  • Install auto-update features – Updates are annoying but they are there for a good reason. Every time an update is performed, bugs are fixed and security is improved on your machine
  • Run weekly checks – The best thing you can do is to run a weekly security check that sweeps your machine for malware. This way, you’ll stay on top of things and malware cannot go undetected
  • Run MalwareBytes  – This is a software on Windows devices that will remove malware from your computer for you.
  • Always use a VPN  – if you are out of the house and use an untrusted network in a cafe or an office, use a VPN to protect yourself
  • Create a strong password – 123abc won’t ever be good enough… use LastPass or another password generator to create a strong one for you that will likely never be hacked! 
  • Use different passwords – It is very tempting to use the same password for every account on your PC, but if you do this and someone guesses it, they will have access to everything you have
  • Don’t open attachments or click links – If you receive an email with a suspicious-looking attachment or link, DO NOT open it. Delete the message and block the sender. 
  • Never share personal information over email. Many scammers will pretend to be your bank and ask you to confirm details via email. NO BANK DOES THIS. Ignore the email and report the address. 
  • Think before you allow access – When downloading a mobile app, the app might ask for camera access, location access and more. Before you click ‘allow’ make sure that it is feasible for this app to want that information. 
  • Don’t run as administrator – When working on your computer it makes sense to work as an administrator, right? Actually, no. If a hacker accesses your machine and you are running as an administrator, it will be much easier for them to make changes to your machine. 
  • Use a different machine for finance – It is always best, if you can, to use a separate device to handle your online banking and other financial matters. This ensures that it is protected. 

All of these helpful computer security tips should make a huge difference to your online security. Stay safe online and ensure that no one or nothing can access your data and exploit it for their own uses. 


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