Recovering After a Sports Injury
Our favourite sports are many things to many people. For some they’re a way to keep fit while spending some quality time with our mates. For others, they’re something we enjoy in a strictly observational capacity, in front of the TV with some ice cold drinks and tasty snacks. For others, they’re a way of life. They’ve been a part of our identities from a young age, and even if we’ve never played professionally, we’ve never felt alive like we have on the pitch, or the court or in the ring. However, all sports represent a certain risk factor. Especially the further in the rear view mirror our 20s get. While there are still professional athletes (and gifted amateurs) out there, well into their 30s, 40s or 50s, it can be harder to shrug off a sports injury as we get older.
Image by Gellinger via Pixabay
Complete healing requires a holistic approach. Let’s take a look at some of the bases you should cover when healing from a sports injury…
Give your body (and mind) time
First aid has been administered, doctors have been consulted and you’re starting to take your first steps down the road to recovery. It’s not uncommon to feel acute frustration, to feel as though we’ve lost a part of ourselves and to want to jump back on the horse as quickly as possible. However, you need to give your body time to heal. Not to mention your mind. It’s okay to have bad days, and sad days. You need to learn to take your recovery in your stride. Otherwise, you’ll get stressed and agitated. And stress can be highly counterproductive to your healing.
Eat to heal
After we receive a physical, psychological and emotional blow like a sports injury, the temptation to indulge and comfort eat is palpable. However, this is not the time for ice cream, pizza and chips. It’s the time for lots and lots of fresh veggies and fruit. For complex carbohydrates, lean protein sources and healthy fats. Your diet will play a huge role in your healing process as your body rebuilds and fortifies damaged tissues.
See a chiropractor
A chiropractor can help with so much more than your spinal alignment (although you may be surprised by how a few adjustments can help movements to feel easier and more painless. A dedicated sports chiropractor like Ryde Chiropractic can assist in your healing in many ways. They can provide orthopaedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations. They can liaise with other specialists like radiographers to get x rays. And based on their findings they can plan a personalised course of treatment to help you enjoy a speedy and comprehensive recovery.
Phase your reintroduction to the sport
Finally, the last thing you need is for your injury to sour your experiences with the sport you love. But going straight back into it can do much more harm than good. Try and re-engage with your sport gradually. Sit on the sidelines and watch for a while. Stay a part of the social group. Join in a few warm ups and drills. Only get back into the sport proper when you feel ready. This will prevent you from making negative associations with the sport as a result of your injury.