Planning Your Home Construction Project Well & In The Right Time-frame


It has to be said that almost all Dads have likely once thought about building their own home, or at least fantasized about what that would be like. There’s something primal about the idea of building your own place with nothing but your ingenuity and hard work. Of course, it might be that we might not wish to take the mantle of a full home, but perhaps wish to work on developing our own extension, building a conservatory, or a structure in the garden.

There’s something quite evocative about building your environment around you. It seems to be what us humans are good at, after all. Thankfully, despite the heaving population, if you have the land and planning permission to encounter this project, you actually can make it a reality. But being verified and having the potential of doing something well are two different things. For this, it’s important to consider how you might plan your home construction project well and in the right timeframe for you. With that in mind, we would like to offer the following advice. Who knows? You may benefit tremendously as a result:

Arrange Your Life

What would you consider to be the most likely scenario that would govern a delay in your construction project? You might be surprised as to what it is. There seems to be a stigma around late or lazy traders, or perhaps supply deliveries that take way too long to get to your home. But that’s not the case for the most part. These reports are way overblown. In fact, the biggest delay to a home construction project is that of your own personal life getting in the way. And we’re not just talking about a job or other familial responsibilities you might have. It might be that you hope to start work, only to realise that your wife is home this week with an illness. This can cause a problem. It might be that you forgot to purchase dust-sheets. This can also be a problem. When we forget to arrange our life ahead of time, we can encounter delays that prevent us from getting down to work on that which we need.

But you might think – how am I supposed to somehow prevent my wife from ever contracting an illness in your highly specific example? It’s a good question. You can’t. However, you can plan ahead of time for certain alternatives to be arranged. For example, if your spouse is ill in this example and cannot hear the sound of a drill or a digger throughout the day, consider using that free time for researching new labor services. Perhaps you might start pre-cutting the timber used for the door-arches off-site. Arranging your life well is simply part of the construction process, and must be considered as such. If you can encourage this planning in this way, you will find that your productivity will gain a big boost.

Hire Specialized Equipment

While the idea of building your own home with nothing but your wit, will and strength is romantic, it’s hardly feasible. You will need specialized equipment to carry materials, to help you dig the foundations, to deconstruct safely certain areas of your home. It might be that your hired services can bring their own machinery in to complete a task, but if you have the capacity to finish said job yourself, hiring certain equipment can be a fantastic idea. For example, Franna crane hire can help you transport supplies from two very inconvenient areas, or perhaps allow you to supply the materials to the second floor of a construction safely and responsibly. With training and an understanding of how to operate said machinery, you might just cut your expected build time more than you could have ever imagined, but remember – safety first.


The title of this article suggests you need to plan your home construction ‘well and in the right timeline.’ But which side of this spectrum should take precedence? Should it be completing the job well, or under-budget and on-schedule? Sometimes, you might need to make a choice. We would recommend that safety, protecting the integrity of your household, not rushing a job, ensuring you gain good-quality building supplies and also giving yourself more than enough time to complete steps or source better tradesmen to work with will always take precedence over having your workload completed by a particular date. However, strike this balance as well as you can.

With this advice, you’re certain to plan your home construction project well.


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