Gym Recovery Strategies

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As beneficial as heading to the gym may be, it’s also a lot of a hard work. It’s the kind of hard work you can feel in your bones the day after; the kind that lingers with you. At the beginning of a new gym routine, we all like that feeling. It’s a sign that we’re doing something right, taking the steps we need to take towards becoming a better person.


However… three weeks in, and the novelty has definitely worn off. Now, we all find ourselves truly fed up of aching all the time; of feeling older than we are; of wincing every time we do something simple like take a jacket off or reach for a glass from the top shelf of the cabinet. It’s at this point that our dedication to spending more time in the gym begins to wobble.


So what can be done about it?


#1 – Supplement magnesium


Magnesium is a vital mineral for the vast majority of cellular processes, but its impacts are most obviously found in the muscles. Magnesium is essential for both muscle growth and recovery, so topping up on your intake via supplements is a good course of action for all new gym-goers.


Of course, you should always consult with your doctor prior to taking any over-the-counter supplements, especially if you are taking prescribed medication.


#2 – Try alternative therapies


There are two types of alternative therapies that can be beneficial for aching bones; massage and acupuncture. Both of these remedies can help alleviate any excess tension that you’re experiencing, as well as offering healing to any gym injuries that you’ve sustained.


If you have never tried alternative therapies before, making that first step can be tough. However, if you do decide to give acupuncture or massage a try, your body will thank you for it, and you’ll be free to continue your new gym routine without the painful body-hangover the next day.


#3 – Get your electrolytes


Working out hard in the gym tends to mean a lot of sweating. That’s a good thing — it shows you’re working hard, at least! — but it also has the potential to be problematic. When you sweat, it’s not just water you’re losing, but essential electrolytes such as salt and potassium. Even if you drink a lot of water while working out (which you definitely should), you’re going to need to take extra steps to replenish these lost electrolytes.


The best way to do this is with a homemade electrolyte drink, which should try to drink an hour after you’ve finished your workout. Don’t be tempted by branded products; they tend to contain a lot of sugar, which can do more harm than good.


To conclude


It’s unwise to just expect your body to adapt to your new gym-going routine without some push back. By taking account of the new extra strain that’s now on your limbs, you can help yourself recover, and thus ensure that this time, your new gym routine is able to stick.


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