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All staff need to be trained. Even an employee with years of experience at another company still needs training – every company has its own way of doing things and there may be elements of your structure that are different or different tools that you use.
A lack of training is a major reason as to why so many new employers quit within the first few months. In other words, you need to find the time to train staff. With so many other responsibilities to look after, many employers feel that they can’t dedicate the time needed to training, but there are certain tricks that can help you to find this time for training without affecting your responsibilities too much. Here are just a few ways to find time for training.
Plan ahead
When starting the hiring process, start scheduling ahead free time that you can use for training. Avoid taking on new clients or making other big changes that could leave you with no free time for training. Planning ahead isn’t always possible if you’re looking to fill a surprise vacancy immediately, however if an employee has giving you enough forewarning that they’re leaving and you have enough time to plan the hiring process, you should make sure to also plan the training.
Train out of normal work hours
If you’re too busy to train new employees during work hours, you could always consider putting in some extra hours before or after normal work hours solely for training purposes. Without having to juggle other responsibilities, this could allow you to focus solely on training, although it does mean having to put in more hours yourself, which could be a strain if you’re already working long hours.
Delegate training to a senior staff member
Another popular option is to delegate the task of training to a senior staff member. When doing this, it’s important to ensure that this senior staff member doesn’t already have enough on their plate – otherwise you’re just shifting the responsibility. Make sure that this staff member is qualified and competent enough to provide thorough training.
Use digital training
You could also try using e-learning. Using a learning management system, it’s possible to provide some training digitally that could allow new employees to train themselves without you or a senior staff member having to put in the hours of training yourself. You shouldn’t rely entirely on digital training – some tasks will require hands-on training – however as a supplement it can be very useful.
Sponsor employees to go on a course
You could also consider teaching new staff the required skill by sponsoring them to go on a short training course. Such a training course will cost you a lot of money, but it will give new employees the hands-on training needed without you having to put in the hours of training yourself. Just make sure that the course offers skills that are relevant to your company – you may want to do your research into various courses first so that you’re giving employees the best training. You’ll need to offer some company-specific training afterwards so bear this in mind.
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