Everything You Need to Maximise Your Wellbeing

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For the majority of us, our health and wellbeing is one of our top priorities. This makes sense. Being fit, healthy and mentally and emotionally well can maximise your experience of life. But when you have kids, your health becomes even more of a priority. At the end of the day, you want to be in the best shape possible to be able to fend for them, take care of them, provide them with everything they need and to be a positive example for them. Of course, leading a truly healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. But there are countless steps that you can take to achieve this. Here are just a few areas of focus for you to work on to get started out!

Taking Care of Your Physical Health

Let’s start out by taking a look at your physical health. You want to be as fit and healthy for your children as possible. The healthier you are in your body, the more capable you will be of caring for your children for a longer time. Now, there are countless different things you can do to take care of your physical health, but here are just a few suggestions to help you along the way!


Let’s start out with exercise. Did you know that as an average adult, you should be getting one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week? If you prefer vigorous exercise, this time cuts down to seventy five minutes a week. Sure, this may sound like a lot, but it is entirely achievable. The key to success is to motivate yourself. Different people find motivation in different things. You may feel more inclined to exercise if you choose a type that you enjoy doing – a fun form of exercise, such as team sports, golf, swimming or something else that ticks all of your boxes. You may be motivated by seeing results, in which case you might want to consider weight training. You can find more info on this here. You may be motivated by financial commitment, in which case you may want to invest in a gym membership or even a personal trainer.


Avoid fad diets wherever possible. Instead, focus on incorporating a healthy, balanced diet into your life. You don’t have to cut any particular food group or item out completely. It’s all about moderation. As long as you’re averaging your recommended calorie count, and as long as you’re providing your body with all of the nutrients it needs, you should be good. You can always reach out to a professional nutritionist for a diet plan if you want some help in knowing what to eat.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Sure, in the past, mental health problems may have had some stigma attached to them. But nowadays, thanks to scientific and medical research and general societal progression, we’re aware that a significant number of people suffer from mental health difficulties and understand that we need to support these individuals as a society. Mental health symptoms can make your day to day life difficult, so it’s not all too surprising that significant and long-term mental health problems can actually be considered a disability. Of course, you don’t want symptoms of mental health difficulties to impact your life to a level that they interfere with your relationship with your children, so it’s important that you deal with issues as and when they arise. There are a number of steps that can help you to achieve this. They may feel difficult to follow at first, but they should help you to improve your overall wellbeing and get things under management.

Identifying Symptoms

Often, people don’t even realise that they’re struggling with their mental health. Instead, they get used to the symptoms and begin to accept them as part of day to day life. By understanding symptoms of common mental health conditions, you can seek any help that you need and help yourself to get your day to day existence back on track and more manageable. You can find out more about symptoms of mental health difficulties here.

Understanding the Causes of Your Symptoms

Mental health issues can be without cause or can be caused by difficult situations in your life  – whether you experienced these growing up or as an adult. Contributing factors can give insight into the best ways to tackle mental health concerns, so it’s good to be aware of them – especially if you have experienced any of them. They could have triggered – or at some point trigger – symptoms that can impact you. Some common contributing factors to mental illness include:

  • Childhood abuse, trauma, or neglect
  • Adult abuse, trauma, or neglect
  • Social isolation
  • Experiences of discrimination
  • Social disadvantage (such as poverty)
  • Debt
  • Bereavement
  • Severe stress or chronic stress
  • Long-term physical health conditions or pain
  • Drug and alcohol misuse
  • Violence
  • Physical causes (head injury or trauma)

Seeking Medical Help

Of course, if you are concerned about your mental health in any capacity, it’s absolutely essential that you reach out to a medical professional, who will be able to diagnose any conditions that you may be experience and who will be able to direct you on the right path to medication, therapy or a combination of the two approaches. This can help you to develop healthy coping mechanisms and to manage and control symptoms.

Alternative Sources of Support

There are many alternative sources of support out there too! Whether that’s reliable family and friends, mental health charities, support groups, helplines or anyone else. Remember that you are never alone. There’s always someone out there willing to listen and help you in any way that they can!

Of course, there are various other aspects of your health and wellbeing that we haven’t approached in this article, but those listed above are extremely important. Hopefully, some of the advice provided will help you to manage your health and wellbeing to the utmost, maximising your ability to be there for your little ones as they grow up!

Phillip Neho

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