Daddy Days With The Kids (And What To Do On Them)
It’s nice to have some father-kid time now and again, something that in our house are known as daddy days. The only problem is it can be tough to work out what to actually do on these days. As a general rule, something fun is always a good idea or something that allow you some time to bond with the little ones. However, if you are still struggling, check out the suggestions below for a little help.
DIY with Dad
Now, it may be that funds suggest staying at home and having a dad day is a better idea than going off gallivanting, but don’t think this means you won’t be able to have any fun! In fact, there are plenty of stay at home things you can do together and enjoy.
One option, in particular, is to create a DIY project together, as then the little one get to help dad with his grown up jobs. To make it really fun remember to put the focus on time together rather than the outcome though. As you don’t want any perfectionism and rigid thinking seeping in there, making the kids feel bad.
Also, don’t stress if you’re not the DIY king, and you’re more thumbs than fingers when it comes to making things. As you can use glue products like the ones from Glue Guns Direct to make things a little easier and safer while the kids are around. Although, obviously it’s best that they sit out any bits that could be dangerous and just watch dad do them from a distance.
Doing DIY with dad is a cool daddy day because the kids get to feel special by spending some dedicated time with you, and who knows?
You may even have something like spice rack or soap box racer at the end of it to remember your time by.
Day tripper
Another nice way to spend a dad day is to take the little ones on a day trip out. It gets them out of the house, you get to spend time together and make memories, and mum gets to have some alone time. So really everybody wins!
So what are some ideas for some great daddy days out? Well, it’s a good idea to speak to the kids and see what they want to do. Perhaps they are dotty about dinosaurs? Then a trip to somewhere like the Natural History Museum is a great bet. What if all they talk about is becoming an astronaut? Then why not head on over to somewhere like the National Space Centre and give them a flavour of what it will be like up there in space?
Doing stuff that feeds into their interests guarantees they will enjoy the trip, and so will probably be a bit easier to manage behaviour wise as well. Making it a less stressful daddy day for you too.
Of course, educational trips aren’t the only ones that make perfect daddy days, fun always flies as well. With this in mind, why not try a theme park with some hair raising rides, or what about an all ages festival? Where you can get up and dance together?