Becoming A Real PowerPoint Expert

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Mastering the art of PowerPoint proves to be beneficial for a vast number of reasons. 

After all, giving a stellar presentation is something most people have to become proficient in at some point; whether you’re pitching to potential clients for your SEO firm, giving a university presentation, applying for a job or training new recruits at your company. Furthermore, one of the main factors of a successful presentation is a confident delivery. How are you supposed to be confident and assertive if you don’t feel competent in the software you have utilised? 

Bearing this in mind, this article will offer some key PowerPoint tricks and tips which will not only ensure your presentation is successful, but will guarantee you are confident during the delivery as well. So, keep reading to learn more…

PowerPoint Notes – Take advantage of this feature. You can jot down some keynotes that will remind you of what you have to say when the slide in question is on the screen. You may not even need to look at the notes, however, they ensure no red-faced moment occur. Furthermore, you will feel a lot more confident knowing you have a back-up. 

Black and White preview – It’s always recommended to preview your presentation in black and white. You won’t know whether the printer in your meeting room or lecture hall is going to be a colour one. Thus you need to ensure those you’re delivering the presentation to will be able to experience the same effect if colour was eradicated. Simply click on view then black and white. 

Distribution tips – If you’re generating a presentation that’s going to be distributed to others then you need to bear a few things in mind. Firstly, opt for a basic font which everyone will have, such as Ariel. You need to be certain it’s going to be compatible with all computers. Avoid embedding videos and audio files as these do not always travel properly, especially when using various operating systems. And finally, saving in the lowest format possible is always a good idea as not everybody will have upgraded. 

Hiding Screens – There is nothing to knock your confidence more than taking forever to upload your presentation or being unsure regarding how to get it started. This is where the ‘hiding screens’ feature really shows its worth. Set up your presentation before everyone arrives and put it onto show mode i.e. press ‘F5’ on your keyboard to begin the presentation. Now, once you have done this hit ‘B’ – this will blackout the screen. When you are ready to begin your presentation hit ‘B’ again and it will appear. This means, that instead of faffing on in front of your attendees, all you need to do is hit a button on the keyboard. 

Stick with the principles – And finally, if you stick with the basic yet highly effective PowerPoint rules then there is no way you can go wrong. Short and sweet; one idea per slide. The biggest mistake individuals make is overloading their slide with information. The fewer words, the better. Don’t use cheesy images. People try this tactic again and again, yet the truth is; most people don’t find it funny. Stay professional.  Don’t use lengthy or elaborate transitions either. Abide by these rules and you can be fully confident in your presentation.

Phillip Neho

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