Are You Feeding Your Dog Pawsome Food?

If you welcome the little patter of tiny paws into your brood, the chances are that you will quickly fall in love with your puppy. Unlike any other potential pet, a dog can quickly become a genuine member of your family. You need to nurture him, love him, play with him, and care for him in the same way you would a small child. One of the most important aspects of your dog’s life is his food. What are you going to feed him? Two decades ago, you would open up a can or feed some generic kibble. Nowadays, dog food is a big business so you may feel an added pressure to feed your dog some decent grub.

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There are plenty of advocates of the raw food diet for their canine pals. Feeding a raw food diet takes an awful lot of getting used to for the owner. You could choose to go own the readymade raw food route or you could create some of your own dog meals with raw meat. Heading to the butcher to purchase some offcuts and get some free bones doesn’t seem palatable for many people. However, others dog owners feel that a diet of offal, raw meat, and bone is perfect for their dog. These advocates suggest that dogs are wolves at heart and would never be eating peas, sweet potatoes, beet pulp or grain in the wild. However, we have to remember that our doggy pals have been domesticated. For many pups, this diet is too protein-rich and may not be ideal for their digestive systems.




Dog kibble is still the most affordable and convenient way of feeding your pooch. A small scoop of kibble twice a day is easy to feed and can be highly nutritious. These densely packaged little nuggets of nutrition are full of good calories and a good mix of protein and carbs. You can check out this hypro dog food review to investigate more novel proteins like kangaroo and lamb for your dog. These are ideal if your mutt has an allergy to chicken or duck. Trying out limited ingredient kibble gives your four-legged friend less to be intolerant of. Dietary issues are not uncommon in dogs and many can be fussy eaters. Loose stool and tummy ache are horrible to witness in your dog, so a good quality kibble can be ideal. Opt for those with specific meats listed. Poultry and meat derivatives could be anything. Fresh or ground duck or lamb is much more nutritious.

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Wet Food


Dogs adore wet food. It can smell delicious and really entice reluctant eaters. Go for a wet food with minimal fats to prevent pancreatitis, especially in breeds like border terriers and mini schnauzers, and investigate tray-style varieties. These are cooked gently to create meals fit for your own table. Limited ingredients like lamb and veg or duck and sweet potato are highly nutritious and can be combined with some kibble to add interest and some crunch. Some people don’t opt for wet because of potential teeth issues. But the evidence for this is shaky.


Follow this guide and you can ensure that your canine pal eats like a king.

Phillip Neho

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