5 Ways To Help Out At Your Kids’ School
As a dad, it can be difficult to figure out to how to fit in around your kids’ lives – particularly if you’re the main breadwinner or you’re out of the house a lot. If you feel like you’re missing out on things, like being a part of their school life, then it’s time you did something about it.
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There are some great ways you can be a part of your kids’ school lives that will benefit your relationship as well as the school. If you want to start getting more involved, free up some time and take a look at these five ways to help out at your kids’ school.
1. Volunteer for fundraisers
Schools are always looking to raise money for different causes, and by helping out, you could help make a huge difference. Volunteering your time can be worth much more than any money you could give, so when the school becomes involved in a special project – be the first to join in. You could even suggest fundraising ideas that you can take charge of and organise to really help you feel like a part of the school community.
2. Get involved in sports teams
If you love sports, then helping with the school’s sports teams could be a great way to get involved with your kids’ school. Many sports teams are under-resourced, so they might need help with coaching and other tasks to make the experience better for the children. If you’ve got some money to spare, you could also sponsor the team by getting them custom lacrosse jerseys, rugby tops or other items that will make a significant difference to the team. Even being there to watch them train or play can make you feel much more involved in your children’s school lives.
3. Attend meetings
Many important decisions affecting your kids’ school will be made at school board meetings, so if you care about their education, then you should make an effort to attend. By attending school meetings, you’ll have the chance to have your say and be a part of some important decisions. Attending school meetings is also a way to meet with other parents and to get to know them better, so you could even make friends yourself by getting more involved in the school administration.
4. Help with the carpool
Carpooling is a great way for busy parents to juggle work and home, and the more parents that are involved, the less of a chore it will be. Offer to drive the kids to school one or two days a week, sharing the burden between yourself and other parents. You’ll be helping others’ out as well as freeing up your time during the rest of the week. Taking the kids to school also helps you to find out more about what’s going on with their lives, providing you with an interaction that you might not get elsewhere.
5. Offer to give a talk to the class
If your career is of particular interest, you could volunteer to speak as part of a career fair or on a topic that is relevant to your kids’ education. Hearing real people talk about their careers can give inspiration to children and provide them with an insight that they may not get anywhere else. You could also offer internship opportunities or work taster days for older children who might be thinking of pursuing different kinds of careers.
Being a part of your kids’ school lives is important, and while it can be difficult to be the dad sometimes – making an effort will pay off. Start looking at ways you can get involved at your kids’ school and help feel more a part of this aspect of their lives.