3 Tips For Business StartUps

You have had the big idea. You are developing it so that you can actually live your dream and start working for yourself. It is such an exciting time and there is just so much to think about. You will want to focus in on your product development or the service that you plan to offer as it is absolutely critical that you get this part right. But what do you need to prioritise after that? Well, do not fear as that’s where we come in, as we share with you our 3 tips for business start ups. 

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Work hard on your branding

This is an area that you don’t want to rush. Your branding is the frontline of your business, it is what people see first. It needs to tell people what it is that you do, all that you are about and it needs to stand out. 

In order to create your branding, think about your business, your service, your mission statement, your values and ethos and any USPs. You will want to bring as much of this as you can into your branding design.

It is worth getting a graphic designer on board for this and you need to work closely with them so that they can accurately portray your business. Once you are happy with the design, utilise it everywhere and in any way that you possibly can. 

Get the administration right

You need to understand your bookkeeping and taxation requirements from day one, preferably before you even get started. Ensure that you have a clear business plan in place and then get your funding in place before working out your administrative duties. 

You will then find that there is plenty of software available that you can utilise. There are apps to help you to keep your bookkeeping on track and you can arrange your payroll services through companies such as CloudPay. Make use of as many of these as you feel you need as they are likely to save you money and time over the long term. 

Make everyone comfortable 

You will have put a lot of time and effort into recruiting the right people. You know that you need the best possible team around you to succeed and you are positive that you now have those people. The key now is to keep them comfortable and motivated. 

Firstly you need to make sure that you have the right workspace available for them. It needs to be fit for purpose, in an accessible location for all and it should be an appealing place to spend hour upon hour. Ensure that light floods in, everyone has space to do their work, people’s workstations are ergonomically designed and the staff facilities are clean and in good condition. 

You should then focus on delivering the right level of training and coaching so that everyone is ready and equipped with the skills that they need to deliver for you. Once you are up and running, regularly seek opportunities to praise and recognise great performances both in individuals and collectively as a team. 


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